36. If a move in a perpetual chase is an offer to exchange, it still constitutes a perpetual chase. If every move in a perpetual chase is also an offer to exchange, it still constitutes a perpetual chase. (See examples in Diagrams 90 to 93)

Diagram 90: Red (in Capital) moves first

R29 c12
R98 c21
R89 c12
R98 c21
R89 ....

Red offers to exchange the Cannons in every other move while its Rook is perpetually chasing the Black Cannon. This is perpetual chase and is violating the rule.

Diagram 91: Red (in Capital) moves first

R89 c12
R98 c21
R89 c12
R98 c21
R89 ....

In every move, Red chases the Black Cannon and offers to exchange simultaneously. This is still a perpetual chase and is against the rule.

Diagram 92: Red (in Capital) moves first

R56 r45
R65 r56
R56 r45
R65 r54
R56 ....

While offering to exchange the Rooks in each move, Red's Cannons are perpetually chasing the Black Rook. This is against the rule and Red has to change or lose.

Diagram 93: Red (in Capital) moves first

R78 r23
R87 r32
R78 r23
R87 r32
R78 ....

While offering to exchange the Rooks in each move, Red's Knights are perpetually chasing the Black Rook. This is against the rule and Red has to change or lose.