Fast: 2686 W81D14L12
Slow: 1835 W26D1L3)
# Result Red Black Moves
1 win phamvanquy (1824) Minh_Anh (1757) 34S
2 win phamvanquy (1811) tetuu (1837) 19S
3 win Tinatran0307 (1725) phamvanquy (1801) 23S
4 win phamvanquy (1787) OcBuouVang (1875) 30S
5 win phamvanquy (1777) nohope (1696) 24S
6 win phamvanquy (1763) LuuHuongSoai (1821) 29S
7 win Hino2017 (1742) phamvanquy (1751) 21S
8 win phamvanquy (1742) dian123a (1603) 43S
9 win phamvanquy (1733) rickyh (1611) 2S
10 draw phamvanquy (1733) Tauke1 (1705) 16S
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Game type: All Slow Fast
Number of games:
CXQ Vinagames