Fast: 1500 W0D0L0
Slow: 1767 W32D0L13)
# Result Red Black Moves
1 lose vohien (1590) xich_lo_ko (1788) 25S
2 win xich_lo_ko (1778) vohien (1600) 21S
3 lose xich_lo_ko (1791) Vinh777 (1885) 15S
4 lose xich_lo_ko (1808) ahkowteoh38 (1758) 12S
5 lose xich_lo_ko (1822) goldstone (1882) 23S
6 win xich_lo_ko (1808) kieugiang01 (1747) 14S
7 win xich_lo_ko (1796) Watashi1234 (1679) 26S
8 win xich_lo_ko (1783) danhmd (1707) 41S
9 win xich_lo_ko (1770) Tuantran82 (1700) 35S
10 win xich_lo_ko (1756) hung1952 (1695) 20S
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Game type: All Slow Fast
Number of games:
CXQ Vinagames