chotcung, Xiangqi Up score: 1756 W10155D102L8824
# Result Red Black Moves
31 lose Check2023 (1650) chotcung (1788) 23
32 lose Seanquoc (1697) chotcung (1807) 42
33 win chotcung (1786) badboy_01 (1974) 33
34 lose badboy_01 (1963) chotcung (1797) 27
35 win huuninh (1652) chotcung (1786) 27
36 win chotcung (1774) huuninh (1664) 41
37 lose luatct12 (1740) chotcung (1791) 49
38 win Vu_minh_phuc (1535) chotcung (1783) 30
39 win loanlaichess (1760) chotcung (1768) 20
40 win chotcung (1752) loanlaichess (1776) 37
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