DichChanKinh, Xiangqi Up score: 1765 W295D7L308
# Result Red Black Moves
1 lose DichChanKinh (1787) dtnt0xt (1846) 61
2 lose dtnt0xt (1805) DichChanKinh (1812) 26
3 lose DichChanKinh (1842) jutta (1731) 39
4 win Nuoc_Sam_SG (1706) DichChanKinh (1823) 15
5 win htmai (1625) DichChanKinh (1806) 35
6 win khoai00bu (1808) DichChanKinh (1780) 26
7 lose Vinhnnguyen (2001) DichChanKinh (1789) 17
8 win DichChanKinh (1759) QuangMinh (1857) 65
9 win vinh_nd (1818) DichChanKinh (1730) 31
10 win DichChanKinh (1711) meteorite811 (1832) 30
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