Fast: 1500 W0D0L0
Slow: 2327 W2381D391L2208)
# Result Red Black Moves
1 lose paunt (2341) Kawasaki250 (2377) 41S
2 lose tao_day (2178) paunt (2362) 41S
3 win paunt (2351) tao_day (2189) 20S
4 win paunt (2338) a13 (2256) 33S
5 lose cosmo2013 (2246) paunt (2357) 20S
6 draw paunt (2362) Vanduc (2190) 14S
7 win Vanduc (2201) paunt (2351) 30S
8 draw paunt (2351) SolidWorks (2362) 47S
9 win zcj (2278) paunt (2337) 47S
10 win paunt (2322) zcj (2293) 41S
Click on the game number to view/save game moves in WXF format. Click on the game outcome to review the game. In general, all games within the last 3 weeks are available for review. For the next 10 games by paunt, click here.

Enter a name whose record you would like to know. If there are many records corresponding to a user, you may want to specify the number of games to report, and the starting position of the games to be reported.

Game type: All Slow Fast
Number of games:
CXQ Vinagames